Meet the board members
Dr. Pamela Roberson

As a resident of Carverdale since 1962, our family was among the first families to purchase a home in the community. We were raised in the church and attended Greater Macedonia Baptist Church (GMBC) in the Carverdale community. GMBC was the same church I took my children to learn the word of God. Those two children, DeAmber and Deion, were also raised in the Carverdale community and attended Cypress Fairbanks ISD. In March 2022, after 28 years of service, I retired from the MD Anderson Cancer Center
Hospital Urology department.
I have always been interested in the direction of Carverdale and motivated to affect positive change. My work in the Carverdale Civic Club started many years ago. In 2005 I was elected as President of the Carverdale Supper Neighborhood. I love being a part of things I am passionate about and eager to be at the forefront of the Carverdale community's transformation.
My goal as President is to continue to represent the neighborhood with a strong work ethic, effective communication, honesty, and integrity.
The goal as President is to continue representing the neighborhood with a strong work ethic, effective communication, honesty, and integrity.
Vice President
Min. Cynthia Tates

I am a resident of the Carverdale Community and my family moved to the community in 1966. I am an Associate Minister at St. James Missionary Baptist church. My mother raised me and my siblings up in church and we have always been actively involved in organizations within the body of Christ.
I attended Jersey Village High school and was a member of the Basketball and Track team. I have two daughters ( Krystal, Jerlesa) who were also graduates of the Cypress Fairbank School District and one grandson. In May of 2020 I retired from Education in the Cypress school district after 29
years of service in Physical Education(8yrs) and Special Education for (21years). In 2005 I was elected as Vice resident of the Super Neighborhood in the Carverdale Community. I have always enjoyed serving/ assisting people and will work to be a positive influence in the Carverdale Community. My goal as Vice President is to actively engage with members of the community and work to resolve important issues that directly impacts their families as well as model good work ethics, honesty and integrity.
Karen Ford-Todd

Greeting, Homeowners of the Carverdale Community,
My Name is Karen Ford-Todd, and I am excited about serving as your Secretary of the Civic Club for the calendar years 2023/2024. I look forward to working harmoniously with other board members and volunteers and making Carverdale a great place to live.
For those who don't know me, I have lived in Carverdale all my life. My late parents are Mr. & Mrs. Aaron and Anna Ford. I am the 4th child. My siblings and I are homeowners of 4 properties in the Carverdale Community. I am a product of Carverdale High School (Cobras), Bane Elementary, Dean Middle School (Mustang), and a graduate of Jersey Village High School(Falcon) class of '82'. I have a loving spouse, whom I have been married to for 32 years, four beautiful children, and a grandparent of 3. Spring Independent School District employs me as a Special Education Co-Teacher, but now my role has changed to Administration.
As a board member, my goal will be to promote Carverdale Community and maintain our neighborhood's property values. In addition, I believe it is essential to be an effective board member: getting things done on time, listening closely to homeowners, understanding the homeowners' wants and needs; staying open-minded to change; being accessible; understanding responsibilities; being direct and honest, and support the board decisions.
My job as a board member secretary is to maintain the minutes of official records, review and update documents as required, and ensure they are stored safely and accessible to the board members.
I am honored to be your 2023/2024 civic club secretary. I am pleased to work alongside the other board members and the Carverdale Community.
If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. You may contact me at kfordtodd@yahoo.com.
Best Regards,
Karen Todd
"Oh Lord, How Excellent...is your Name!
Assistant Secretary
Min. Beverly McHenry
Information coming soon.
Beverly Johnson-Richards
Mrs. Richards is a loving mother of three children, grandmother, and great grandmother. She attended Carverdale School and graduated from Cy-Fair High School in 1974. She is an active member of Carverdale Community Fellowship COGIC. She started working for Cy-Fair ISD in 1987 and retired in 2019. Mrs. Richards started attending the Carverdale Civic Club in 2018 and became a Board Member in 2020. She is also a member of the Carverdale Prime Timers and enjoys life while traveling.
Information coming soon.
Carverdale community civic club by-laws
duties of board directors
The officers of the board of directors are generally president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and member at large.
The associations C. C. and R.'s (covenants, conditions and restrictions) and Bylaws set forth the general powers and duties of the Board and the specific limitations upon the Board's powers. The Board of Directors generally have the power to adopt and publish "Rules and Regulations" to protect the interests of the homeowners. Each individual board position comes with certain duties and responsibilities. Read more about joining your Civic Club Association board of directors below:
President - The president of the Board presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The president is ultimately responsible to see that orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out. The president generally signs all contracts and other written instruments and co-signs all checks and promissory notes.
Vice-President - The vice-president acts in the place and stead of the president in the event of his absence and exercises other duties as may be required of him by the Board.
Secretary - The secretary records the votes and keeps the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and of the Members. The secretary also signs all contracts and other instruments executed in the name of or on behalf of the association. The secretary is keeper of the corporate seal of the Association and affix it on all papers requiring the seal. The secretary also serves or causes to be served, notice of meetings of the Board and of the Members; keeps appropriate current records showing the Members of the Association together with their address, and performs other duties as required by the Board.
Treasurer - The treasurer receives and deposits in appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and disburses such funds as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors. The treasurer signs all checks of the association; is keeper of the books of account; cause an annual audit of the Association books to be made by a public accountant at the completion of each fiscal year; and prepares an annual budget and a statement of income and expenditures to be presented to the membership in compliance with the civil code, and delivers a copy of each to the Members.
Member at Large - The member at large is the fifth member of the Board of Directors and is a voting member of the board. The member at large fulfills duties as assigned by the President or by the board.
reasons to become a memeber
As a homeowner, you have a big stake in the safety and cleanliness of your neighborhood. Perhaps you own a home or condo that’s part of a community that shares common amenities, such as tennis courts, playground, community pool and spa, clubhouse, private roads, sidewalks, utilities and more. How can you ensure that your Civic Club Association community will be properly maintained and taken care of? One of the best ways is to become a volunteer board member with your homeowner’s association. Civic Club Association committee positions are made up of volunteers however, the satisfaction of knowing your community is being well taken care of gives board members a sense of accomplishment.
You have a vested interest in your property. One of the top priorities of every homeowner is to protect the value of his or her home. Being involved with a Civic Club Association will put you in a better position to make and implement rules in your Civic Club Association neighborhood. Some of these regulations will directly affect property value
Correct problems. If you are noticing problems in your community, such as lack of maintenance or maybe there’s a problem with unruly neighbors, then you have the opportunity to take charge and help to correct those issues by being a part of the board.
Meet more of your expectations. Did you have certain expectations when you bought your home or condo in the community? Are your expectations being met? By serving on a Civic Club Association board, you can achieve your expectations of a more perfect community much sooner by working with your neighbors.
Gain a better understanding of the by-laws. Volunteering as a board member will make you well-versed in the Civic Club Association by-laws, rules and regulations related to your association. It will also give you a good grasp of operating finances and budgeting.
Have fun experiences. Taking on some of your association’s tasks does not have to be boring. It can be fun, especially when you get to socialize, work with your neighbors and come up with creative ideas on how to make your community run better. Many Civic Club Association communities hold get togethers for their residents allowing the community to become more social.
Give back to the community. One way to give back to your neighbors and community is to serve on your Civic Club Association Board, which allows you the opportunity to make good decisions that will have a positive impact on all residents.
Meet your neighbors. A Civic Club Association meeting is the best place to meet your neighbors and to get to know more about them. It gives you a chance to socialize and make friends with others living in your community.